
Sunday, July 24, 2011

I don't fry my bacon shirtless, but I could see how that could be a problem.

I woke up this morning with the stinging realization that I am no longer 19, crap, I'm not even twenty something anymore. Two nights of solid drinking will bring someone of my age down! I had good intentions. I swore I would only have two drinks on Friday night. But then Tracy looked at me with that big ol' smile and I was weakened.
This is Tracy, she hasn't had a drink in ten months. We had several this weekend, including her choice, slippery nipples, or buttery nipples?? I get my nipples confused sometimes. We ended up staying out until 2AM. Our night included an awesome band, some really, I mean REALLY old people dancing (that should be banned in public) a half hour in the bathroom consoling Tracy's friend (she drank too many nipples), an excellent conversation about hot dogs, a "grab", and the best pizza I ever ate at 1:30AM after drinking all night long. I am very happy my friend is back on the grid!

The next big part of my weekend was Jenny's surprise I already knew about my surprise party party. Of course I was bringing food to the party and needed to get started asap or I was going to be late. It is still 9000 degrees here so I wanted something light and tasty. I decided on Greek cucumber cups. I love these things, think Greek salad minus the lettuce, all served up in an edible cucumber cup.
Of course the guys had been fishing that morning so we were sure to have a fish fry going on as well. I was given a very important lesson that day. NEVER FRY WITH YOUR SHIRT OFF!
Nick gave me a great example, "you know when you fry bacon in the morning before you put your shirt on". Typically I don't fry my bacon shirtless, but I could see how that could be a hazard. Colleen and I decided to fry everything in the house as well. We made deep fried Rice Krispie treats, they were pretty good. We took a stab at deep frying peanut butter stuffed pretzels, that was not a good idea. It was kind of like a choke special. We made one last attempt to deep fry. This was going to be our shining moment. We created a special sweet batter complete with sugar and cinnamon. We then created our moment, the sweet batter coated, deep fried, smores cookie. It was nothing short of devastating to see that marshmallow disintegrate in that oil. I guess we can't win all of our deep fry battles.

Greek Cucumber Cups

* 4 english cucumbers
*4 plum tomatoes, diced
* one bottle of pepperoncini, chopped
*8 oz. package of crumbled feta cheese
*Small red onion, chopped
*1 clove garlic, macerated
*1 stem fresh oregano, chopped
*juice from 3 ripe lemons
*1/4 cup red wine vinegar
*1 tablespoon Grey Poupon
*1 package Truvia
*salt and pepper
*3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

To make dressing, put Grey Poupon in a small plastic container, add vinegar and garlic then whisk to combine. Next, add Truvia, and lemon juice, whisk to combine. Next, slowly drizzle the olive oil in a small stream while continuously whisking the vinegar mixture. Season with salt and pepper and oregano. I make this dressing to taste, sometimes it needs more lemon juice depending on the ripeness of your lemons. I usually taste it, then season, then taste it, then season, then make my husband taste it. If you have left over dressing you can put it in a sealed container in the fridge for 2 days. For the cucumber cups, with a peeler, peel long strips off the outside of your cucumber, you want more flesh shown then skin. Then, cut you cucumbers into 1.5 inch chunks. With a melon baller, or teaspoon, dig out the middle of the chunks making sure to not go all the way through. Set cucumber aside. Chop the peperoncini, red onion, and tomato and combine with the feta cheese. Wait until you are ready to serve these to combine with the dressing. Then spoon dressed mixture into your cucumber cups.

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